This test quizzes your web application security knowledge with 5 questions.
You need to pass all questions (thus 100%, score) in order to pass the quiz. I know you can do it. Good luck!
#1. What is the most important message you want to communicate to your developers when you want them to mitigate Cross-Site Scripting?
I’m afraid this is not the right answer.
Good news: You qualify for this course! Getting the basics right is essential when you want to protect data. Hackers love ignorance and there is a high chance your application has already been compromised.
No worries I’ve got you covered. Enrol now and I will take you by the hand and walk you through the basics.
See in inside the course!
#2. Security misconfiguration is prevented by installing the latest patches.
I’m afraid this is not the right answer.
Good news: you qualify for this course! Security misconfiguration is not always fixable with a patch. For instance, you might want to allow unnamed accounts for some users for a particular reason, even though this is considered bad practice. Typically this is not patchable.
No worries I’ve got you covered. Enrol now and I will take you by the hand and walk you through the basics.
Strive to make a difference in the world by security your (customer’s) data!
See in inside the course!
#3. How can insufficient attack protection be mitigated?
I’m afraid this is not the right answer.
Good news: you qualify for this course! Insufficient attack protection is a difficult concept to grasp.
No worries I’ve got you covered. Enrol now and I will take you by the hand and walk you through the basics.
Enrol now and start making your (web) application more secure! Your customers deserve it.
See in inside the course!
#4. What is the main goal of an API?
I’m afraid this is not the right answer.
Good news: you qualify for this course! If you have difficulties understanding the basics, your web application might already be at risk.
No worries I’ve got you covered. Enrol now and I will take you by the hand and walk you through the basics.
See in inside the course!
#5. Why would you use defense in depth in your application/systems/processes?
I’m afraid this is not the right answer.
Good news: you qualify for this course! Defense in depth is a core concept every manager must understand. I strongly recommend following this course.
No worries I’ve got you covered. Enrol now and I will take you by the hand and walk you through the basics.
See in inside the course!
Well done! Understanding these basics is a good start for creating a more secure web application. Relax, enjoy yourself you have earned it!
If you want to understand more, please don’t hesitate to enrol into this course. I’ll be more than happy to guide you.
You almost made it! Understanding these basics is a prerequisite for protecting your (customer’s) data.
Good news: you qualify for this course! Enrol now and I will take you by the hand and walk you through the basics. See in inside the course!