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Security Repo is a place for you to learn information security from a non-technical perspective. The topics range from governance, risk and compliance, FAQ and lots more.

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About Security Repo

Security Repo was founded by Soerin Bipat, a (chief) information security officer, teacher and researcher. His passion is to develop an information security and privacy strategy along with the customer to achieve their goals. He has been active in several layers of the IT and business domain for almost 15 years.

Our mission at Security Repo is to provide security education to anyone who needs to protect data. We specialise in creating content that shares best practices based on scientific research and requires limited prerequisite knowledge.

Whether you’re new to information security or want to refresh your memory on something you’ve learned in the past, Security Repo has you covered.

🛡️ Cyber Insurance is Not a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card! 📚✨ Protecting your organization requires proactive measures and due diligence.

#CyberSecurity #CyberInsurance #StayProtected #TakeActionNow #SecurityAwareness #DoYourHomework

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